Sunday, 2 March 2014

Breathe Easier With Massage Therapy

Massage plays an important role in training the body how to relax and help improve breathing. Respiratory issues, such as allergies, sinus problems, asthma and bronchitis, are one group of conditions that can benefit from massage therapy.

A beneficial way of relieving respiratory issues through Massage Therapy is tapotement, a rhythmic, percussive stroke used in Swedish massage. When performed on the back, along with vibration and shaking, tapotement  loosen mucus in the lungs and increase airway clearance for better lung function. Massage therapy help relax internal muscles and also help individuals to become aware of their daily stress levels. 

Massage therapy can not only improve breathing, but also posture. This lead to an opening of the chest area, as well as the structural alignment and rib cage expansion needed for optimal lung function. When the parasympathetic nervous system responds to massage your breathing rate slows and becomes deep and regular.

Benefits of Improving Breathing :

Controls breathing in an effort to aid relaxation
Allows the mind to re-create relaxation before stress becomes chronic or damaging
Increases energy level

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